Sea....Natures cradle
The Moon and Water, powerful symbols of our emotions
The incredible depths
of the human soul explored and
discovered through intense emotional experiences, good and
maybe not from our limited perspective, so very good...
Sea Deep
so deep, a gentle swell,
Or power of moon, an awesome tide,
And seamen reverent as they speak
How mermaids sing as waves they ride
water, deep within
Caves of coral, and crystal wrought
Dolphins whisper and secrets share
Mermaids listen for knowledge sought
Of lands
and beings far away
High in the earth realm, not of the sea
How greed and anger rule each day
And tears spill readily constantly
The Dolphins whisper now of
The mermaids sigh each sheds a tear
And through the Dolphins send their love
For all those lost who live in fear

Remember -
there will always be
choices if you so wish. |
Nothing is so broken that it cannot
transmuted into a greater form
Whatever your situation or issue.
The first step is to own your part in
and through meditation or prayer gently work your
way through
Try to adjust your
thinking to
include any insights and learning
that arises, and
be ready to move forward in
some way. There will be
a way forward; don't doubt that
Own your
intuition also, and don't
so ready to prove yourself
wrong. You
may find that there
is an increase in
this ability as
trying situations arise, and are
in the process of helping to
expand your consciousness.
From the
perspective of your inner self,
take a look around the corner.
are quite wonderful new possibilities
that wait. Help to
bring them into manifestation
by maintaining an open mind, a belief
in miracles is
helpful, and always
allow that little spark of hope
within to burn fiercely and brightly.
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