The first
instance of conscious
Spiritual development, is becoming aware of having a
Spiritual nature, and that this aspect of ourselves is
actually the most important, and then

it is
To be
ever-mindful of the way we interact with others in our
lives, making friends
with our conscience, and cultivating an awareness of our
inner motives
To be
mindful of how we treat the earth and all other
life-forms thereon
To not condemn nor judge.
To create a greater awareness in ourselves of the Divine
Plan and the
'oneness of all things'
To work on those areas of our lives where forgiveness or
acceptance is lacking
To look at the greater whole...the bigger picture, not
just our own selfish wants.
To create a more clear and open connection with
Spirit, with our guides and teachers...
To explore and nourish any spiritual gifts, particularly
healing, that only the greater
good be served
To be willing to work on the aspects of ourselves that
need refining, of accepting that
there are aspects of ourselves that need refining.
To be aware and accepting of others' rights to their own
path, and their right to live
their own lives in whichever way they choose, be they
family, friends, or strangers
To look beyond the obvious
To maintain humility so as not to, in any way exert
'power over' others, particularly
those in a vulnerable position.
To walk with....rather than 'above'
And the greatest emphasis of it all is ~
"Aspiring to"
Development is after all, a life-long process, and
© Chrissy
In your
mind's eye meditate a while in this garden and soak in
the peace...

May peace
walk with you always