
Speak with me of warmth,
Of greenery and blossoms rich, full blown,
And take me among them to
This earth and all within it grown.
The power of a storm, majestic,
Awaits on the outskirts of my
And all about me tries to break the
This earth enchanting, round me wind.
Show me the sea, an awesome tide,
The smell of salt and seaweed keen,
And blow the wind, so wild and free,
Where secrets still remain unseen.
For other realms within earth
Where dewdrops glow as jewels bright,
A place of fae, etheric realm,
Lives deep within, and out of sight.
So come my dear, and walk with me,
Your towers of reason leave behind,
Let oneness flow, with faerie bond,
Abandon thought, and bend your mind.
© Chrissy
Expressing the Inner Child
Try this - Allow
yourself to remember and feel again that
mischief, that delicious sense of fun...
When we express the
energy of our inner child We express all
that which is joyful, expectant of miracles.
Belief that the world is a wonderful place, rich
with new knowledge, and wonderful new
experience. By becoming familiar with our
inner child we can delve into that well of joy,
the energy that bolsters our sense of fun, our
sense of adventure. Fairy tales become
real, and we own the power of flight, of
creating magic. The trials of our adult life
seem insignificant for a time, and we allow
ourselves respite.
And because of this
allowing, the trials of our life may become
lighter, lifting us beyond the burdens of lack,
encouraging love of self, releasing the inner
joy which is always at the edge of our
And then back to
earth, back to our cares and woes, to our
responsibilities as parents, wives, husbands,
friends, mentors, teachers.
But how wonderful
to know the inner child awaits there in all of
”Come out to play, we could have such fun”
for me."