Can you feel the love flowing from this mother to
her tiny baby? - Is there really a difference?
Learn more at t
www.orangutans.com.au |
Love and Compassion
Love is an actual energy - a force -
rather than an emotion, and compassion
is a component and partner of love.
Be compassion...
Love once created is eternal, joins the infinite
pool of
Divine Love, and is accessible always.
The energy of love is what created all
reality. It is what holds the infinite universes
in a state of perfect unfailing balance.
Love is
God made manifest
Compassion - that amazingly deep inner warmth of
the heart. An overwhelming feeling of love that
holds us enthralled. Around that compassion seem to
flow shades of emotions ranging from deep sadness,
to ecstatic "all oneness"
Compassion flows from one being to another - is
almost tangible, and is a healing balm when this
energy is allowed to flow fully and freely
find it easy to let our compassion flow when we
see a new born - baby or baby animal. Comfort a
friend lost in grief, help family members who are in
dire straits. Any situations that are close to us, or
within our own bubble - though find it very hard
to show compassion for a homeless person, that man
too steeped in drink to even be aware he is alive -
animals treated with cruelty whilst they are actually
waiting to be butchered to provide food - or
towards the many animal species facing extinction.
We seem to have created rules and barriers in
our world today, about who and what actually deserves
this compassion that we all own - some hold onto it
as though it were part of their material possessions
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